Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Another shout for black hounds

Apologies again for the downtime during May and the start of June due to exams (don't try to learn anatomy in your mid-30s is my only advice).

And apologies especially to Lesley who commented back in April on how brilliant black greyhounds are.

I've commented many times that the black dogs (and girls) seem to get overlooked in the kennels - just because at first look they are not as striking as some of the other animals.

Anyhow, here's Lesley's post.

"I have a retired greyhound called Annie (racing name Annalee Girl). She is jet black apart from a white chest and 4 small bits of white on each foot. When I first got her she was also a bit tatty, but now 2 years on she is absolutely gorgeous. Her coat shines and she is just so pretty. Everyone comments on her."

I would always go for a black one they are wonderful. There is no other breed on earth that I would choose now."

Thanks so much Lesley for that ringing endorsement, and - all - keep on posting comments and sending emails. I'll try to include them wherever possible.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Wimnledon tennis hounds

Enjoying the tennis at Wimbledon? I am.

If you haven't got a ticket, but are still hoping to see some action you can always queue. It may take a few hours to get in, but it's a great atmosphere and every seems to have fun.

Even better you may get to meet some greyhounds up close and personal. Volunteers from Wimbledon Greyhound Rescue are patrolling the crowds with their greyhounds - and you will get to see how brilliant hounds are as pets, and ask all those questions you never dared about how they integrate as family dogs. (Pretty well by most accounts).

PS C'mon Murray!

Friday, 19 June 2009

Tweet tweet

Well, I'm now on twitter. Not sure what it's going to mean for the hounds, but watch this space.

In the meantime you can read my twitter updates in the bottom right hand corner of this page, or you can follow me by clicking on this link.

While I'm talking about the virtual world Melanie Winstone from Wimbledon Greyhound Welfare has asked me to mention her sponsored slim for the kennels.

She is collecting money through the kennels through Just Giving and seems to be doing really well so far - 8lbs lost since she started in May. Good on you Melanie.

I'm hoping she'll give us updates as she progresses.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Hello! It's me again!

Well, after what seems like an age, I'm back!

The exams finished last week, and so yesterday, at the first possible opportunity, I visited my darling hounds.

During the weeks I'd been away many of my favourites have been rehomed, but Shawn is still waiting to be rehomed. The fabulous news is that he has been reserved (not before time).

When I arrived at the kennels he was in the yard with another of the volunteer walkers, and as I walked across to them I wondered whether he'd remember me.

He's not the most demonstrative of dogs so I was delighted that as I sat down, he walked across and buried his head in my lap.

"Oh, he likes you!" the walker said.

"Where have you been? I've missed you," said Shawn. I was thrilled, and sat there cuddling him until it was time for him to go back to his kennel.