Wednesday 22 October 2008

NEWSFLASH: Dogs are good for you

Quick news update. The Dogs Trust says that owning or interacting with dogs is good for your health.

I can certainly corroborate that. I've often gone to walk the dogs at our local greyhound rehoming centre in a foul mood. I could be worrying about where the next commission or next piece of work will come from, have been rained on on the way to the kennels, or just got out of the wrong side of the bed.

On the way to the station I'll be muttering to myself: "Oh, I really can't be bothered to do this today."

Five seconds after picking up Nicky, or another dog, for the first walk of the day - or even before, because one of the hounds is doing something daft in the paddock - all my worries are forgotten and I'm gently chatting nonesense to my canine companion.

Plus all that walking keeps your fitness up. You can take any number of dogs out that you like or a walk, I tend to go for 5 walks with either a single dog or a pair, meaning I get nearly three hours of fresh air, and around two hours of walking.

1 comment:

Tommy Lee said...

I am afraid that this statement is not correct "On the way to the station I'll be muttering to myself: "Oh, I really can't be bothered to do this today.".
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