Monday 10 November 2008

Greyhounds and allergies

Well it turns out that my suggestion that the Obamas should take on a greyhound wasn't quite so tongue in cheek as I thought.

No, I don't have an inside line to the President-elect's office, but I do know that greyhounds can be good for some people who are allergic to most dogs. In fact it seems to be a bit of an open secret - and I've met many people at the local retired greyhound rehoming kennels who find that greyhounds do not trigger their allergies.

I seem to be one of them - I am dreadfully allergic to most dogs. I don't even have to touch one and I can be wheezing and sneezing within a few minutes of walking into a room that's had a dog in it. If I touch them I come up in inflamed itchy patches on my skin, and if I touch my eyes afterwards they swell up and water. Antihistamines do not do any good.

Not so for greyhounds - after all the time spent cuddling and fussing them over the past few months I am confident they don't trigger my skin allergies.

I don't know whether they make me wheeze and sneeze, because I haven't spent any time with them indoors - however, I do know if I decided I might want to take one on I could take him home with me for a few days to test whether he triggers my allergies.

I'd strongly encourage anyone with allergies to go to their local greyhound kennels and give these dogs a go. They're likely to have their adult coat so you can be sure you won't develop allergies to them as they grow from puppy to dog - as can be the problem with labradoodles and goldendoodles.

Also it gives you the chance of giving a home to a "rescue" dog, with all the advantages of the back-up and support of the retired greyhound kennel team, a knowledge of the dog's character, and the chance to give him or her a second chance in life.

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