Monday 17 November 2008

Mud glorious mud

Today I decided to take my walking boots and not my wellies with me when I went to walk the greyhounds at the local greyhound rehoming kennels.

Big mistake. Silly me thought that, as it had been dry for the last few days, the ground would be relatively firm. I had forgotten that we'd had several days of torrential rain in the past two weeks.

Ooops - part of the field was more like a swamp. There was no way I was getting round it, so I decided to take the dogs around a smaller overgrown field. Larry was the first hound I walked, and after trying to skitter back to the kennels after seeing A BLUE VAN, he settled quite nicely onto the lead and LOVED going around the overgrown field.

I wasn't sure of the path through the undergrowth, and Larry took advantage of this by sniffing every single tussock of grass to be seen. He thought it was all WONDERFUL. It was the same story for all the other dogs I took out - so I've made a mental note to make sure I vary their routes a little bit more in the future.

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