Friday 21 November 2008

The problem with puddles...

The fields at the local retired greyhound rehoming kennels are still a bit of a quagmire, and I was really pleased that I remembered to take my wellies today.

You see, some of the greyhounds are really picky when it comes to wet ground. Yes, while some seem to relish splashing in the puddles and come back from their walks exhilarated and covered in mud, others are prima donnas when and won't get their paws wet.

Nicky doesn't make too much of a fuss and will walk through puddles. However, he does seem to prefer dry ground beneath his feet. In fact he's quite good at finding it.

It's not always apparent which bits are sodden and which give a firm footing - so if I have Nicky with me, I'll send him ahead, and he'll me on the driest path through the fields. What a smart lad!

Just as well really, as his new girlfriend, Tootsy, can't stand puddles. She looks completely mournful if she has to walk through one, and casts you a look of "Oh, do we have to? And where can I get some greyhound wellies," before trudging on, the martyr.

Horace, an elderly brindle boy, doesn't stand for any nonsense at all and just refuses to go on if the ground looks wet.

The worst - and the reason why it's crucial to wear wellies while working with the hounds - are the princesses. These dogs, like little black and white Lucy, are usually female, and will not get their paws wet for anyone.

Unlike Horace, they won't refuse to walk in the field, it's just if there's only enough dry ground for one set of paws or feet, they'll claim it and shove you into the puddles. And, it's amazing how adept at pushing you to one side a greyhound will be.

A single plank through a particularly muddy piece of ground? You'll spot it, you'll think you've stepped out towards it, and then you'll find yourself ankle deep in mud, with a greyhound tiptoeing along said plank.

Outfoxed by a hound? Honestly, I don't know how they do it.

Any tips gratefully received, or should I just carry a cape, Walter Raleigh-style, so that I can lay it across offending puddles?

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