Sunday 2 November 2008

Remember, remember the 5th of November

Like many dogs, some greyhounds are scared of loud noises. On a walk a sudden crash can send a dog like Larry bowling for the safety of the kennels. Others, like Nicky, will tug at the lead, with their ears back and tail between their hind legs until you speak softly to them, and they continue on their way.

So just a reminder to keep your pets safe around Bonfire Night. People have started letting off fireworks around here already - so we like to ensure that the cats are in, with the cat flap locked, before it gets dark.

The Retired Greyhound Trust gives some good advice on what to do during the firework season, and I'm sure it extends to all dogs, not just greyhounds. The main thrust is that you should take the dog for their final walk before it gets dark, draw the curtains at dusk, and turn the radio or television on.

The RGT also says that your dog will look for your response to strange sounds - so try not to jump - let your dog go to where they feel safe, and don't pamper them (they'll react more).

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