Thursday 12 February 2009

Another allergy finding

Well I promised another allergy finding (apologies to all of you that have never had a sniffle, sore eyes, or itchy skin when around a dog).

As usual the last time I was at the kennels I walked the lovely Ava and Nobby again, and once again, the lovely Ava asked for a hug. She's so cute when she does this that I couldn't resist - this is despite the fact that she had just waded through some big puddles and the mucky girl had mud and water all the way up her legs.

My big girlie is really coming out of herself, so, after I had told her it was OK to put her paws on my shoulders, she jumped up, and firmly planted one on my chin and lower lip, scragging my face a little.

I moved her paw down and gave her a big hug all the time thinking: "Oh heck, that'll do it, I'm going to come up with several massive itchy red welts on my face."

Usually dog claws don't even have to puncture my skin to make me come up in a reaction, which looks a little bit like insect bites. In fact I've sometimes been seen to dance the fandango trying to avoid the claws of little dogs when they're trying to jump up and I'm in shorts. The little dogs think it's a great game.

I usually carry antihistamine cream with me, which calms the reaction down, but of course on this day I'd forgotten it.

Anyhow, Nobby and Ava were at the start of their walk and I wasn't going to let them suffer because of my stupidity. So we carried on, and I forgot all about the scratch, until... erm... that evening when I looked in the mirror at home and saw four very faint triangular marks in a rough paw mark on my face.

I suppose it could be that her claws weren't very doggy at that point (very muddy though), but it looks like the greyhounds have passed another allergy-test.

Just the final allergy test of getting them into the home to pass then - and the reason I haven't done this is I'm terrified they'll make me sniffle in an enclosed environment, and I'm not ready to find out that news yet!!

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