Wednesday 11 March 2009

Steam-train dogs

Some of the greyhounds, like Nicky, seem to instinctively know how to walk on the lead and trot happily to heel from day one.

Others, like Becker, don't know their own strength, and can be difficult to handle, until you try a different tack and put them on a harness. Suddenly they realise that they have a human companion, and actually it's quite nice to walk by your side.

Then there are others like Becky, who'll pull like a steam-train the first few times you take them out, completely ignoring you and straining to get ahead. Then, there's a change.

I don't know whether it's because they get to know you, or whether they are a bit more confident that they'll get a good walk, but all of a sudden they become a delight on the lead, and happily trot by your side.

It means that dogs like Becky often get overlooked as potential rehomers opt for a more genteel dog... so I guess a plea is, if you have the time, visit the local rehoming centre more than once - you may be pleasantly surprised how some of the dogs change once they get to know you!

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