Monday 8 December 2008

It's official: Dogs have feelings too

Scientists from Vienna have just published research, which confirms something that every dog owner already knows, that dogs have feelings too.

Apparently they are prone to all sorts of emotions including jealousy, envy and pride. Having walked dogs from the local retired greyhound rehoming kennels I'd add joy, love, laughter and mischief to that list too. (Probably all emotions at the same time in the one dog when it comes to Spark).

Fear, as well unfortunately, as we have lovely dogs like Larry who start their lives in the rehoming kennels terrified. However after months of love and kindness in kennels, a nervous dog will start to come out of himself or herself and slowly blossom.

I'm also sure that dogs can become depressed. Take Josh for instance, he's now the clown of the kennels, and a completely different character than the one that first came into the kennels.

One of the most prevailing emotions I get from the dogs at the kennels is love and affection though. There's nothing better than the first time a shy dog greets you - often by putting their front paws on your shoulders - or takes a treat from you after weeks of work trying to make them more secure. Then you really know you've made a difference, and that this hound is well on their way to a new home.

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