Wednesday 21 January 2009

Allergies... again

A quick post today, but following my post on allergies earlier in the week. Lots of people are still visiting this blog to find out a bit more about dog allergies and I just want to stress that if you are allergic to most dogs you MAY still be allergic to greyhounds. For instance I've not had one in the house, so am still not sure if they'll make me sniffle in this environment. So don't necessarily assume they will be the dog for you!

However, there is a good chance that they will NOT inflame your allergies. This seems to be because they do not have an undercoat.

Also, if you choose to take on a greyhound they are likely to already have their adult coat - puppy coats of dogs like labradoodles often do not inflame allergies, while the dogs adult coat may (depending on the dog - labradoodle coats are very variable).

So - if you have allergies - go and visit the local retired greyhound rehoming kennels (see links on the right or do a search on the internet). Get up close and personal - take them for a walk, fuss them, cuddle them - and see whether you react. Let's hope they ARE the dog for you

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