Monday 5 January 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year all and I hope you had a restful festive season.

It's certainly been very festive here with hard frosts and even snow this morning. The ground has been frozen solid the last couple of times I've walked the dogs at the local retired greyhound kennels.

The frozen ground hasn't bothered most of the hounds, but Nicky's reaction has been a delight. Dance of the sugar plum fairy springs to mind. Unfortunately, less prima ballerina, more elephant in hob nail boots. He skitters across the ice as if it's going to bite him (I guess he could have sensitive paws!).

One question that has been answered is Nicky and his reaction to cats. Kamikaze cat is still doing the rounds and we saw her the other day. I have to report the sad news (for me) that Nicky did not pass his cat test, so he will not be coming home to meet my fluffas.

In fact my normally docile Nicky became very animated when he saw the cat, growling and straining at the lead... oh dear... not a good sign. And he's barely blinked when he's encountered squirrels (I think he may just not have seen them). He is absolutely brilliant with small dogs though.

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