Sunday 18 January 2009

Even more on allergies and greyhounds

Not surprisingly, given all the speculation on the new dog for the Whitehouse, there's been an awful lot in the papers about allergies to dogs recently - and it's still one of the most popular reasons that people are coming to this blog.

It seems the Obamas have settled on either a labradoodle or a portugese water hound. And guess what? The portugese water hound shares a coat characteristic with the greyhound - neither have an undercoat.

In an earlier post I speculated that the greyhound's lack of undercoat may be the reason that they don't seem to inflame my allergies in the same way as other dogs, and now it seems that this may have some basis in fact.

Incidentally I've also seen that the very best dog for allergy sufferers is the poodle, because they have a "woollen" coat.

However, if like me, you'd prefer a rescue dog, I'd thoroughly recommend giving a greyhound a go. There are plenty of retired racing hounds waiting for a good home.

You'll be able to spend plenty of time with them to see if they inflame your allergies and, crucially, you'll be able to spend time with dogs that have their adult coat. Many dogs - like labradoodles - may have a different non-allergenic coat as a puppy, which may mean that you become allergic to the dog as he or she gets older.

Go on, visit your local retired greyhound kennels and give a hound a home.

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